there's gold in them!
Texan finds black the loo
DALLAS - The old joke is that everyone who lives in Texas has an oil well in their backyard.
Ms Liela LeTourneau found one in her toilet.
No, it did not start to gush after a flush.
She found crude oil bubbling up from her toilet, bathtub, kitchen sink and everything else connected to the water drainage lines in her home when she returned from work on Monday.
The floor was also drenched with a thick coating of what is known in the state as 'Texas Tea'.
'There was this black (ooze) coming out from my house. I thought, 'What have I left on? What has my son left on that's spilled over?' ' said the nurse in an interview with local daily Longview News-Journal.
Ms LeTourneau and her son have moved out of the house for the time being.
Meanwhile, officials in Texas and Longview, the city where Ms LeTourneau lives, said on Thursday they believe that a mix-up in sewer lines might be the cause of the oil spill.
The residence might have been connected to a line used to dispose of saltwater instead of a sewage line.
Saltwater disposal lines are used in the oil production process to drain off liquids from that process - mostly saltwater.
The line became backed up, and oil seeped out, turning Ms LeTourneau's home into an oil patch.
'I was always proud to have an oil derrick in my backyard. Every Texan should have one,' she told the paper. 'Now, I don't know.' -- Reuters, AP
I'm thinking this house could just slide on down the hill if they're not careful.
For some reason, I free-associated to the idea of metal detectors...
We just bought a 153 year-old home with a lot of history. It operated a still during Prohibition, for example. I think I'll pick up a metal detector and see what kind of wealth our place might be sitting on - just waiting to be discovered!
create evolution