DOS boot disk question
Man, it's been a LONG time since I had to make a DOS boot disk.
I am setting up a RAID 0 in my system, and I need to get to the command prompt to use fdisk to format the array. When I make a regular boot disk in XP, it doesn't recognize any of my drives except A: and B: (and i don't have a B: drive) I visited and made one of his DOS disks, and that had all the utilities on it including FDISK, but still didn't recognize my drives.
I have installed both disks in the RAID array, set up the array using the Mobo's software, and gotten to the A: prompt, where I can't do anything. I also tried using the WinXP CD, but I kept getting errors during the install, I was assumming this is because I didn't format the existing drive using FDISK first.
Do I have to edit config.sys or autoexec.bat with my drive letters or something?
I have a ASUS A7V333 with an Athlon XP 2000+, WinXP SP1, and a WD 80 gig, partitioned into C: (9GB-OS) and E: (70GB-Progs and storage).
Just to clarify, I am setting up RAID with the existing WD 80GB, which is currently still full of data, and a brand new WD 80GB (same model)...
Ahh boot disks......takes me back to the days of trying to get Wing Commander 3 to run on a 486SX.................