Has anyone else found themselves to be thread killers?
I'm not entirely sure if this is the right forum for this but this is a community that I'm living with so I thought I'd express my concerns about my place here, here.
So, am I the only one here who finds themselves to be thread killers? I mean, have you ever found that the instant you post to a thread that thread immediately terminates? And that this happens with every thread you've ever tried to participate on? It's a bit of an exaggeration but it really does feel like a new trend with me on these forums.
I'm wondering if I'm alone on this one or if others have found this about themselves. If you've found yourself with a sudden lack of desire to post in a thread that you were previously quite active in because I've made a post there, please feel free to voice your opinion here. I haven't taken offense to anything anyone has ever said on TFP, I won't start now...