ARTelevision , you remind me of my senior english teacher. He has similar views concering mass media and modern advertising. As an aside, my classmates and I were recently visited by one William Lutz, a "expert" on the book 1984 and double speak. Lutz told my peers and myself about the prevalance of doublespeak in our society and how to understand what is being said. Interestingly enough, this Lutz character has worked for corporation after corporation creating double speak en mass. This man had some serious personal issues, in one moment he is telling students how to avoid the perils(sp?) of modern speech and, in the next moment creating such speech. I think its quite a telling example of the state of our nation, that a man can be a complete hippocrate and be commended for it. (Lutz has been given numerous public service awards and is viewed as a fighter for clear language)
*Doublespeak is language deliberately constructed to disguise its actual meaning.
Last edited by Arbiestsheft04; 02-06-2004 at 06:33 PM..