It's all video games, music, and violent movies fault!!!
wait... im not working for the media or a right wing christian ass hole!
bad parenting, lack of creative output/input (music and art in schools anyone???) and sensless drugging up of kids on anti depressants and uppers.
YES THEY ARE DEPRESSED, no they do not need pills. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR KIDS, you say you are trying to provide a good life for them, but your working everyday all day, you come home, plop down mcdonalds for them, while you crack open a box a wine and bitch at them for not cleaning the house. If you talked to them, they would maybe help out more, might not turn to illicit drugs, and hell then they wouldn't be depressed (from the drugs, or you not paying attention) and not need ritilin.
Also encourage kids to be motivated, have them play sports, AND play music/draw/paint/something with the brain. Doing one just isn't good enough.
Be a parent, don't let your TV be a parent.