Originally posted by Lebell
I know this because we invaded the country that provided him safe harbor and refused to turn him over to us after 9/11.
I thought this was common knowledge.
Yeah, so now he's moved on, as he has for the last 15 years. So, where is he again?
Originally posted by Lebell
So are you advocating a war with Pakistan or what?
Nice false choice there. No, I'm advocating that Bush develop a real spine, as opposed to the faux one you are so in love with, and push Pakistan to accept international inspections and monitoring
as a condition for aid, not as a potential result of it.
While we're at it, how about taking another look at the *real* source of the Sept 11 attacks: Saudi Arabia. Without the financial support of Bush's buds, the Crown Prince and his 2,000 Prince-Cousins, would this have ever happened? And what's being done in terms of leverage on the Saudis to prevent it from happening again?
Bush's relations with these two countries
stink of the worst kind of hypocracy.