[QUOTE]Originally posted by KellyC
I saw a special about Jesus on the Discovery Channel a while ago. They made a image of Jesus on the computer of what he should look like and the man turns out to have curly hair, bushy beard, and a round, chubby face, yeah dark skin like the Arabians too. [/QUOTE}
Yup, just about has I pictured him, just as soon as I got old enought to realize what people in that area of the world looked like. When you're young, I think you put all things unknown in a context that you're familiar with. Don't know what someone looks like, you think they look in a way you understand.
When I understood what people from the middle east looked like, I revised my image of him.
Then I started thinking about the fact that it was 2000 years ago, and on top of his looks, I bet he was dirty, and slightly smelly, just like I'm sure eveyrone else was then. Whether or not you believe he was the son of God, if you accept the human part of him, you gotta accept that.
Hey, this isn't rocket surgery.
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