I'm sorry to see you reading such drivel Lebelll.
That artical is no more "fair and balanced" than Fox or CNN.
Honestly, as a centrist democrat i can't find anything in that i agree with besides that milatary personal should be charged by our own, not an international court. And even then, i think allie natons should have the right to file against our soldiers since we have held court for allied nations men before. Equal ability to hold our fellow/allied countries soldiers should a crime be commited is part of co-operation.
Also, as for this:
Even if we never find weapons of mass-destruction in Iraq — though I think that we will — our military campaign for regime change was justified. If the bodies of a quarter-million Iraqi dissenters killed by Saddam, some tortured with their eyes gouged and tongues cut out, is not proof enough, there is still Saddam's undisputed use of weapons of mass destruction against his own people and Iran. That record is why Congress overwhelmingly voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq.
How can i nicely say this? I don't care.
At 3am this past Monday, Collin Powell admited to a congressional sub-commitiee that there may have never been WMD's.
As for liberating a peoples? not our business. I'm sorry but I hate seeing our country in other countries. No one elected us as the keepers of the rights of other nations, and no one is paying us to be their police force, so america has no responsability or moral argument to be there. I do not pay my tax dollars to liberate other nations or send out long term deployments when we haven't finished in Afgahnistan yet, where we actually had a reason for going. Iraq is a distraction from what is important, routing out and killing Bin Laden. Lets get back to the job at hand.
And Democrats will forget the allegations that Iraq possesed WMD's about as fast as Republicans let go of the phrase "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."