Originally posted by isis
Now, to tie that in - I believe that the pharmacist should have never even KNOWN that the woman was taking it because she was raped. This is information he doesn't need to know. Being someone in the medical profession, he should have known that his moral values SHOULD NEVER play a part in doing his job.
Incoherent. 'Should' implies a moral. Either withholding this drug was immoral for a pharmacist to do, or it was moral.
Originally posted by Strange Famous
how can you "kill" a being that does not have the power to live independantly? If something does not have a life of its own, it cannot be killed, surely?
It has the power to live dependently. And that power certainly can be taken away.
Originally posted by lurkette
I hate to pull out the uterus card, but I'd love it if some of you pro-lifers who'd like to see this woman carry a rapist's child to term could walk a mile in a woman's shoes. Imagine living every day of nine months with the spawn of the man who raped you growing in your body. Who the hell are you to decide when life begins? And who the hell are you to make moral choices for other people and impose your will on the body of a woman who can bloody well make up her own mind and suffer the moral and emotional consequences herself? It's HER body, HER unborn clump of cells that may or may not become a potential life, HER choice.
I don't have to experience pregnancy from rape to know that it isn't a justification for taking an innocent life. Simple as that.
I didn't decide when life begins. I decided to recognize when life begins. It's not a matter of opinion. I have no problem making moral choices for others, when the decision of whether or not to violate others' abilities to make choices, is the moral choice in question. For instance, I have no problem with laws against rape. And I have no problem with laws that would take away a woman's right to destroy HER clump of cells, given the nature of the clump of cells.
Originally posted by arch13
It's good to have both genders opinion on this incident, especially when the discussion at hand involves the female, not male body.
Which would be a valid point if the bodies of pregnant women were the only bodies involved in the equation.