That was a policy decision. Accepting Osama would have come with the strings of having to recognize that particular government and offer some foreign aid to them. Seeing as how it is one of the mid-east nations that sponsor terrorists Clinton said "No thanks".
Also I don't see how Bush is benefiting our national security. We blew an obscene amount of money in Iraq which we can at least all now see was a waste and should have gone to other more pressing security matters. Saddam had and was building nothing that could harm us and was not sponsoring terrorists with a connection to aims against america.
Additionally Bush has cut funding in this fiscal years budget (and has declined to raise the funding after 9/11) for first responders, and has done so dramatically and has YET to offer any substantial amount of money to secure our ports and borders. Our ports are still running at the same level they were pre 9/11 and we are letting billions of cargo containers through them uninspected.
Also read up on these google search terms (all at once). USS Cole Richard Clarke Osama Afghanistan
We had a plan finished in october of Clintons last year in response to the Cole bombing, before Clinton left office, to attack and take out Al Qaeda. Instead of starting the war right away and handing it to a new president mid stream Clinton handed the plans off to Condi and Bush to do with as they see fit with Richard Clarke prodding action (He was Clintons National Security Advisor and he crafted the plan). Bush dismissed it. It's possible 9/11 would not have happened had Bush taken action then. Consequently that exact same plan was used after 9/11 to finally take out the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Richard Clarke has a book coming out titled Against All Enemies : Inside the White House's War on Terror--What Really Happened March 2004. You should check it out before you set your decision in stone.
Last edited by Superbelt; 02-05-2004 at 02:46 PM..