Originally posted by lurkette
I'm not talking about changing the current situation to hand out more - I'm talking about people who seem to resent the existence of current aid programs. Bush gives a huge fucking tax cut to the people who need it least, and is looking at making cuts to programs that help those at the very bottom, such as the list you posted.
I also dispute that the wealthy are more deserving because they have worked harder. Ask a single mother working two jobs to break even if she works hard. Who says what someone's life and time are worth?
The economy. No question that many low-income people work as hard if not harder than the wealthy. But that doesn't give the government (or anyone!) permission to violate basic property rights. We can't let the government make policies that place the interests of a certain group of people above the constitution. No matter how deserving that group of people may seem. And if policies like that already exist, all the more reason to debate them.
As much as I hate to defend the guy, we're a democracy, and Bush was voted in. There are plenty of people who agree with his tax cuts.