Ok, the question so far:
1) Is the MAP equivalent to abortion or contraception?
2) Does a pharmacist have the right/duty to second guess a doctor?
3) Does an employee have the right/duty to apply their own value set in place of their employers?
4) If the answer to (3) is no (or, I guess, even if the answer is yes), then what is an appropriate punishment for doing so?
The science says the answer to (1) is that it is contraception. If you're against contraception, then you are against the MAP. If you are against abortion, the MAP is irrevalent to you.
I argue that if the answer to (2) is yes, then we are all in a great deal of trouble indeed.
I have no trouble imagining a pharmacist thinking asthma is psychosomatic, and denying a Ventalin prescription. The patient gets nervous about this, and goes into an asthma attack and dies. I am sure other readers of this can imagine variations on the theme.
I also argue the answer to (3) is yes, but that employee must do so publicly and suffer the consequences. Sometimes the only employer in town is the local saw mill or mine or auto plant, and the fact of this world is that we must make money to support ourselves and our families.
We are obligated to follow our own sense of right and wrong (and for many of us, following the laws of the land in the absence of compelling reasons to the contrary is a very strong "right") at all times and all circumstances. We choose to comply and continue our employment, or we choose to conflict and either win the dispute or lose our employment.
I know my answers seem to contradict each other; sadly, the older I get, the more complicated and contradictory the world seems to get.