Well, Ustwo, the rest of the world HAS to care who your president is. We have no choice. The U.S. is the largest empire in history, and can militarily, culturally and economically destroy any country it chooses to.
This is not a comment on the merits of the U.S.A.; it is a recognition of its power.
Of course the U.S. (I know I am using broad strokes here, so please forgive me and play along if you can) does not care who leads foreign lands, as long as they do not have something the U.S. wants; most of us are too small to have a recriprocal effect.
For those who are puzzled by how much we care about your politics I offer this experiment: imagine yourself an employee in a company you cannot leave, but can be fired from. Imagine the C.E.O. has pretty much unlimited and unchecked power over the substance, quality and length of your presence in the company.
Now imagine she or he got that job through questionable circumstances and has displayed dishonest, hostile and unpredictable behaviour.
How much attention would you pay to that C.E.O. - even if just for the sake of your own well-being?