This is very difficult for me! Some of you may have seen my rant in a post about why people don't like to pay taxes, in general. As a kindergarten teacher (1/2 time) I will loose my assistant. I already have more students then I've ever had before due to having to cut teaching positions in the last few years. Without an assistant I'm wondering how I will deal with: the special needs child that is not yet identified; getting simple things like snack done and tying shoes while still teaching; meeting the individual needs of children; getting kids to the bathroom; and on and on. We will have less supplies and more demand. Parents are not able to volunteer for the most part; they are working to support their families. It is a very grim situation!
The district I work for has 3 elementary (down from 6 -- the rural school were all closed), 1 middle and 1 high school. Each elementary school has approx. 625 students. With measure 30 not passing there will need to be about 45 lay offs of teaching staff! Already at the middle school class size is over 30. At the high school this means no sports programs, no talented and gifted/excelled classes. We will be offering the bare minimum in the way of education.
Just to set the record straight. Measure 30 was not a pernament tax increase. It was a temporary sir charge on income tax until the economy improves. The failure of this measure is a sad day for students throughout the state! (As well as the safety of all citizens and healthcare of many.)
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.