Wow, lots of things flooding my head right now after reading your post pan6467.
First, it probably would have been better if you gave hypocritical examples from both sides since you started the thread with the notion that both sides are hypocrites at times.
That aside, the "real" religious right are also against the death penalty so there's one contention point. The second point would be that an unborn baby does not pose a threat to others (unless there is a risk to the mother) nor committed a crime worthy of the death penalty, so there's another point where the "hypocrisy" test would fail for some who oppose abortion yet favor the death penalty.
Third, not believing in welfare in addition to being pro-life and pro-death penalty does not constitute hypocrisy because there are other options (such as adoption, ward of the state, etc) where the child will be taken care of without the biological parents being responsible for its care. Additionally, if you look at most of the "religious right" do they not also run soup kitchens, provide for the homeless, run clinics, care for the elderly and infirmed, offer financial assitance for their parishioners in need, etc? Of course they do. Just because they don't believe in government sponsored programs it doesn't mean they don't offer resources to help those who need it. Perhaps they believe this "giving" should come from ones own decisions rather than the government mandating it.
In summary, there are many points of view that your example doesn't take into consideration.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.
Last edited by onetime2; 02-05-2004 at 04:56 AM..