Is the human mind limited?
I watched a documentary yesterday about wonder-children, children that have a special talent.
There was a professor that had studied this phenomenon and he said that their minds burn bright but fast. He said that they aquire the skills and knowledge in ~30 years that a normal person needs 60-90 years to aqquire (given there is no mental degeneration or diseases).
But when they reach that level of knowledge they seem to reach some kind of stopsign. It is as if there is an upper limit to how much a human mind is capable of. They rise much faster than the rest of us but they hit the "roof" much faster aswell.
What I'm wondering is, do you think there is an upper limit to how much the human mind can understand? Is the professor right or just jealous?
Wich is preferable, to live a normal life and have a mental evolution similar to most people on this planet or to be a genious and evolve quicker but burn out faster aswell?
Life is shit,
Death is even worse,
So what's the point of killing yourself?
/Ignatius Camryn Paladine