Originally posted by sixate
Why should I feel sorry for someone who doesn't even feel sorry for herself? Let's not forget about the example that she sets for her daughter. Their kid is who I feel sorry for. Not the asshole dad and dumb weak bitch of a mom. Their kid never had a choice in the situation. Her mom did. She chose to stay and let herself look like a fucking fool. You can feel sorry for her.... I won't!
We really have to synchronize our swatches, 5 hours between responses takes all the vitriol out of things.
You think an abused woman doesn't feel sorry for herself? You say she should leave like walking out the door is as simple as breathing. She likely has no job, no money of her own, and lives with the fear that if she leaves her husband will find and kill her. I think saying that she looks like a fool is not really thinking that deeply about the situation. I suspect it is easy for you to take this stance because the woman we are talking about will never be real for you. It's easy not to care in that case.