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Old 04-19-2003, 07:12 PM   #5 (permalink)
At The Globe Showing Will How Its Done
MahlerIsGod's Avatar
Location: London/Elysium
Originally posted by darkure
When ever my screen blinks like that it is usually when it changes resolution like exiting from a game that runs at 1024x768 while the desktop is set to 1280x1024.

So what are you doing when your screen flickers like this? What programs are you running in the background?
Everything I run appears at 1024x768. The only game I am playing right at the moment is Age of Mythology but my problem has never occured once I exit from that program. I have running in the background: Norton Antivirus, Popup Killer, ATI control panel, and my printer (Lexmark) control panels. Cuuld these programs come into conflict? There hasn't been a set pattern or at least one that I could detect when this problem happens. I am baffled and confused.
"But a work of art is a conscious human effort that has to do with communication. It is that or its nothing. When an accident is applauded as a work of art, when a cult grows up around the deliciousness of inadvertent beauty, we are in the presence of the greatest decadence the West has known in its history."
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