Originally posted by sixate
One: the growing menace of Al Qaeda, which grew in power and ferocity during the Clinton Administration.
Two: the nuclear cheating of North Korea, which happened on Mr. Clinton's watch.
Three: a stubborn recession, which began in Mr. Clinton's last year in office and has been exacerbated by the terrorism.
And four: a chaotic and demoralized American intelligence apparatus, which was clueless before 9/11.
Everybody is 'entilted' (to coin a phrase) to his or her opinion. Here is mine:
One: I would like to see this documented, and demonstrated that the Clinton administration is culpable through policies or lack thereof. My take is that Al Qaeda grew in power and ferocity during the 90's. There
is a difference.
Two: Same question. How is that the administration's fault? If we had a Republican administration in the 90's, both One and Two are likely to be the same. There are whiny Democrats who would blame that Republican administration (in that scenario). Doesn't make it right.
Three: I would have said - "A recession that was made into a 'stubborn recession' by big tax cuts and lack of good reactive administration. The big airlines blame 9/11, too, instead of crappy management. Scapegoating is easy. Taking resonsibility is hard.
Four: This is ludicrous. Blaming the Intelligence Apparatus for 9/11 is easy and satisfying. It's also puerile and vindictive. Check out this link for a balanced, and different, take on the US Intelligence services.
It's a long article, but Malcolm Gladwell is the best writer working today. IMHO. It's an easy read, and worth it.
But, hey, I could be wrong.