Yeah - but I bet that re-authenticate thing used another of your 3 computer uses. That means that you have only one left I am assuming (since your comp and his comp is 2).
Although I don't have any idea how it works, I don't know how else you could track how many times it had been put on a new computer. Maybe each file has its own tiny little hidden registry that tells it some number stored in your registry. The file counts down from 3 and when it is zero - you can not re-authenticate. If it is based on the OS, instead of your processor, that may be worse since even if you have the same hardware, you really need to reinstall every 12 months at BEST. (At least Windows - you mac people may have it easier). At least that way, you won't need a connection to the internet.
This MIGHT mean that the files will essentially self distruct and be useless after a period of time for even well intensioned computer users. Dunno. I do know it makes me wonder if all the services have this kinda thing with them or if I should just go back to swiping them. . .
EDIT: Oh yeah - I have been meaning to ask: who is Ed and why is he pissed?
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.