Building a PC
I have had the same ol computer for years now and I have maxed out the RAM, upgraded the video card, upgraded my OS, and added another hard drive. Now I have finially come to the conclusion that its time to turn the 550 p3 into a jukebox.
Now that I am looking at getting a new machine I have seriously been considering putting one togeather from scratch and all the info I have been able to gather so far says its relatively easy so I have decided to go ahead and give it a shot. Can anyone with experience building PCs give me any advice? Any web sites would be great. I googled it and found a pretty fair amount of info, but I have to admit that getting started has been pretty intimidating. Any help or advice would be great.
"Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?"
- Joseph Stalin