My girls went to a Waldorf school last year. One of the requirements was no TV. We never stuck with it 100% but we did truly limit it! I observed their imaginations florish and they have much more desire to read. Although they are not in a Waldorf school now, I find them saying things such as "TV is boring." I'm glad!
I think that if/when TV takes away from family interaction it is bad. We turn off the TV every night at dinner and spend time conversing! I want my kids to know how to carry on conversations and be social -- not be glued to a machine.
As a teacher, I definitely agree that tv teaches kids to have short attention spans. I also HATE the "have to have" attitude that comes from commercials. We've spend a lot of time talking about actors and their jobs vs. reality.
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.