There aren't many movies that deserve 5/5 IMO because if they all were then they'd also all be average. I hold 5/5's for 1-3 of my favorite movies. 4/5 is amazing and might only be lacking 5/5 because of personal taste, even though I might know it's a great movie.
Here's a reflection of how I liked the movies and some quotes I liked:
-Momento- 4/5 "Where am I? Ok, it looks like I'm chasing this man....whoops, he's chasing me" :P
-Cabin Fever-1/5 but it kept me laughing! Especially "What's the gun for?" "It's for the Nxxxxx's"

-Sector 9- 1.5/5 I just loved the kids mullet
-The Cell- 4.5/5 I'm so absolutely in love with the visuals that I can easily cope with the shitty acting.
-Indiana Jones 3- 5/5, of course. "Aah, Venice." I was sure to say this outloud when I was in Venice in October

-City of the Lost Children- 4/5 Again, I love the visuals and the surreal story.