Originally posted by dragon2fire
ok lets do our home work guys
fg precent leborn is so much better huh?
leborn .411 fg precent
artest .420 fg precent
assit 5.9 to 3.9 the edge goes to leborn there
the rebounds is not quite a few more
rebounds 5.8 to 5.4 thats to close to really say either of them is better
steals goes to artest 1.49 to 2.80
and leborn is only averageing 3.3 more points a game
add to that his team is losing and there is no way leborn is a all star over artest
who is pwned
o btw its called nba.com use it to get stats before coming in here and acting like you know what your talking about
First of all, you didn't own shit.
I said that LeBrons FG percantages are better than Barons.... And they fucking are.
Look that up on NBA.com....
Then tell me who was owned?