The whole question of abortion really turns on one question
At what point to you determine that a fetus is a human life?
It could be possible to claim not until the child is born, or the moment it is conceived, or somewhere between.
Personally, my experience is formed a lot from my mothers experience. She was pregnant and was told by doctors that if she went through with the birth the child may or may not live, and there was a better than 50% chance she would die.
She was very anti abortion, and it was a very hard thing for her to do, to have an abortion, despite this information.
I think one thing that all people should consider in this debate, is that people are going through this situation every day, and it is an exceptionally hard time for anyone facing this - and yes there can be debate, or course there must always be debate in a free society, but when you see pro life people photographing and publishing pictures of women having abortions, or pro choice people claiming this terribly awful decision is some kind of life style choice... this is wrong, we have to - in my opinion - keep the sensitivity of the issue at the forefront of the mind.
To me, abortion and the death penalty are very different things, althought the originator may judge me just as much a hypocrit as the Republicians he wants to attack, when I sawy I do support the right to abortion under certain time constraints, and I do not support the death penalty - although I do understand the emotive desire for it to be used against the worst examples of child killers and child rapists.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas