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Old 02-04-2004, 01:37 PM   #170 (permalink)
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I'm just pointing out the types of roles academy members think black actors should get recognized for.

Yes, I think it does follow your logic. You pointed out a bunch of villian / slave roles that black people won for, and then made the above statement. That implied that you believe the awards were only given to these black people because they played villians / slaves well - that the Academy will only award black people when they enforce the idea that blacks are bad / worthless and whites are good / important.

So I pointed out a bunch of white people that got oscars for playing "bad" roles. By your logic, if it's an indication of racial predispositions to give a black person an award for playing a villian, then there must surely be a similar reason to award a white person for playing a villian role.
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