Originally posted by moonstrucksoul
i guess what bothers me is the fact that America gives out Billions each year to other countries to help them out, and does little to help its own peoples, except make tax laws that benefit the few, the proud, the filthy rich.
I agree and disagree. First, for the most part, the US really does spend far too much on other countries. If I knew that all of my tax money would stay here and help my own country, it would be less of a sting. We have many poor, many ailing, and many people who live at a less than paycheck-to-paycheck level. Let's keep the cash here, like many European countries do.
Here is my disagreeal: there is no joke to the "the more you make, the more they take" rule. Past a certain income level, tax rates go into 40% or more. Yes, tax laws give them some benefits at their level, but it doesn't make up for a 40%+ tax rate. I hate arguing these points because I am no expert, but not everything we hear is true.
lurkette: p.s.: I have never ventured into tilted politics. Never.