i am def. getting that book, sounds very interesting.
on the point of not being allowd to make money telling your story of being a criminal, with all the other "non-criminal" ways of making money in the world, it only seems fair to let him publish a book about his life. do you buy clothing made in third word countries in sweatshops? that doesnt seem fair for those giant corperations to make money like that with all those people suffering. how about ciggarettes, those companies are killing people and they know it, that doesnt seem fair for them to make a profit off of that.
the united states s based on free speech, and i would hate to see peoples birth given right to "express his opinions or views" just because some people dont agree with how he got those views.
but it looks like a great book!
/end rant
i don't want to be lonely, i just want to be alone.