Originally posted by cheerios
tech: iTunes sells their songs in .AAC which is the audio codec from mp4, I believe (if I'm wrong, sorry). .aac will play natively in iPods, I'm not sure about other players. you CAN burn & rip the songs as mp3's though.
your song will be licenced to play on 2 boxes. you tell apple what the other box is. check out their site, I believe there's a description on it. I'd elaborate but i'm late for rclass!!
That sounds awfully complicated. How do you go about turning them into MP3s? I have a CompaQ IPAQ mp3 player and I play the songs on my computer and finally in my car in the regular CD player. Portability is a big plus for me. Also, how do they track what machines I am playing this on? That is what I was referring to when I asked about spyware.