I've got an older Direcway 4000 system and have no problems sharing the connection between multiple computers. You have to use Windows Internet Connection Sharing because of the USB connection.
If you purchace a new Direcway 6000 system, it is ready to be hooked into a router and shared between as many computers as you like.
If you want a lot of info on satellite internet, go to this web site:
I have no chioce for broadband except for the satellite internet. I will never go back to dialup, although if cable is ever available in my area, I would drop the satellite immediately. It has many shortcomings that are listed by everyone else on this topic. The major drag is that they have this FAP that shuts you down to dial up speeds if you download over 200 MB of data in a short amount of time. As for speed, my connection is around 1-2 Meg download on average, so it is easy to break the FAP. Hope this helps.