Thread: Questionaire
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Old 02-03-2004, 01:07 PM   #40 (permalink)
Location: Far too far from my Angel....
1. Age: 33, as of 2 days ago....

2. Gender: Male

3. Favorite Color: Blue - the color of the sea just off Magen's Beach in St. Thomas.

4. Fave food & drink: Any dish from P.F. Chang's China Bistro, to drink: Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum & coke

5. Most important to you: Minx

6. Least important to you: Presidential politics.

7. Fave place to be: Anyplace with Minx.

8. Hobby/interests: Cooking, scuba diving, rock climbing, hiking, volleyball, acoustic guitar.

9. Job: Student

10. Your mantra: In the words of the Virgin Mary: Come again?

12. Animal that most resembles you: Punxatawnee Phil, from Groundhog Day....either that or Robin Williams

13. Fave show: South Park, Chapelle's Show, West Wing, and absolute fave? Inside the Actor's Studio

14. Fave band/artist: [color=dark-blue]Pretty much anything besides (most) Country. Sting, Dave Matthews, John Mayer, Jason Mraz and Norah Jones currently stand out in my collection.[/color]

15. Fave movie: The Princess Bride.

16. Own/Rent?: Rent.

17. Fave season or weather: Summer

18. Deep conversation or small talk?: [color=orange-red]If I'm someplace where I'm not going to be meeting the people I'm around again, then it's small talk....but I prefer deep conversations as they're far more stimulating.[/color]

19. Things you like to do with your friends: Socialize. Just spending time with them is a treat in itself.

20. S/O or Spouse?: [color=dark red]Got a S/O....and maybe someday soon.....more[/color]

21. Something you believe strongly in: Being the best "me" that I am capable of being. I may not be in control of myself, my emotions and my reactions each and every day, but I have that goal to work toward.

22. Pet Peeve?: Bad Drivers!!! Stupid people, too!!!

23. Fave holiday: [color=royal blue]Cinco de Mayo...great parties![/color]

24. Fave site (besides TFP):

25. If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be?: Life is fleeting, so try to be happy!
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