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Old 02-03-2004, 12:01 PM   #153 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Originally posted by Cynthetiq
mmmm... by all accounts then Jews should be able to get same types of reparations, awards, etc.?

the jews go back further as slaves than just 100 years.
That's strange, an off-topic post by a mod...

shouldn't this go in the affirmative action thread, since "Jews" [sic] benefit from that legislation. To answer your question directly, if indeed it is a serious one, they certainly should be able to seek some compensation for whatever residual effects they can come up with.

Whether they should receive something ought to be up to a jury. In this case, however, people aren't even willing to concede that compensation to blacks is a viable issue.

I guess now would be the time to inform you that I'm not black, I'm jewish. Of course, that doesn't prevent me from being Portuguese, nor Native American.

Furthermore, just to drive the point home (in case you haven't realized the irony in your question), BuDDah could be jewish for all we know--so he could, quite possibly, "outrank" everyone standing here in terms of multi-faceted discrimination.
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