1. Age - 22, 23 in March
2. Gender - Male
3. Fave color - Black
4. Fave food & drink - Too many foods, Mountain Dew
5. Most important to you - Love
6. Least important to you -
7. Fave place to be - In the arms of a good girl.
8. Hobby/interests - Scriptwriting / Movies
9. Job - Developing pictures at national drug store chain
10. Your mantra - Love is all you need. (and i hate the Beatles

12. Animal that most resembles you - Wolf
13. Fave show - Don't watch too much TV
14. Fave band/artist - Can't pick one, never could.
15. Fave movie - Se7en, because it's what got me into movies.
16. Own/Rent? - New apartment, actually. Still typing from roommate's computer because mine's not up yet.
17. Fave season or weather - Fall. Nice colors and the temperatures are good.
18. Deep conversation or small talk? - DEEP conversation.
19. Things you like to do with your friends - Hang out and drink, watch movies.
20. S/O or Spouce? - Neither.

see #10.
21. Something you believe strongly about - Judging people on their character, rather than outward appearance. This is important to me because many people see me and assume i'm some nasty Goth kid not worth talking to. But that's really ok, because I know i'm smarter than them.
22. Pet Peeve? - People who use off-handed racial or bigotted remarks and pass them off as "the way people talk".
23. Fave holiday - Christmas. Just for the family and the feeling of holiday closeness, presents or not.
24. Fave site (besides TFP) - None, really. One or two of my friends' personal ones, but that's it. I can find ANYTHING on Google.
25. If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be? - If everyone just had a more love, and a lot more sex, we would all be just fine. What sexually satisfied man or woman do you know who is ever REALLY that upset about ANYTHING?