Originally posted by The Original King
I understand where you are coming from on this but I have to disagree with you to an extent. I know my addictions affect people. It affects my wallet... my driving and endangers others lives as well as my own. But the fact of the matter is this... this is how I see it...
My mother is just that... A mother. I am a 22yr old that has the next few years to fuck around until I settle myself and start living a better life without the need for alcohol. My mom on the other hand never settled down and it's taken a tole on her life. She is extemely unhealthy because of it and is loosing touch with reality. I figure when you don't realize you have an addiction... it's time for someone to realize it for you. She won't stop unless she is told to stop. I plan on stopping before I get to that point... way before I get to that point. And I do understand that I sound like I'm trying to down-play my addiction by comparing it to hers... but I'm not. I have an addiction... not any different then hers. But see, during our conversation was the first time she has said she had a problem with my drinking and smoking. So... it's now gonna be an ongoing dialog between us. At least it's out in the open.
I understand what you're saying.... But your mom was once in your shoes... She most likely thought that she would just grow out of it in a few years. What makes you think you'll give it up in a few years? The longer you wait the harder it will become. Then in another 20 years... You have become your mom.
Personally, I'd like to see you drop your habit altogether. You have a lot to offer, but your addiction only gets in your way.
I have very strong opinions on stuff like this. I could easily tell you why, but this thread isn't about where my opinions came from.