Originally posted by ubertuber
And Brandon11983 responds in 3...2...1...
I had a really busy day at work, and didn't have a chance to get on. Now lets get down to brass tacks.
Originally posted by Parker
I am starting to look at Home enteratinment Sound Systems. Are there any recommendations out there? I am leaning toward getting Bose Speakers. What do you think?
If you want your music to be reproduced flat and lifeless, then more power to you. If you buy Bose speakers, myself, jujueye, and ubertuber will personally clobber you over the head with a herring. Bose speakers are poorly constructed, use cheap components, and their sound is a reflection of this. Their woofer cones for one, are a horrendously cheap paper feeling cone with a paper surround. Their trademark lack of high frequency extension can also be attributed to their paper tweeter cones. Yes, tweeter
cones, not domes like you would find in a real speaker.
Now.... to recap..... and lets all sing together....
no highs, no lows, it must be Bose!**