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Old 02-02-2004, 06:31 PM   #144 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
BuDDaH's Avatar
Moderator Emeritus
Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
Well, since it seems to be getting personal, let's flip the script:

Let me put you and your next ten generations into indentured servitude, tell you that you are 5/8th of a whole person, give you no rights, give you a pitchfork and make you pick cotton in the sun or any hard work without pay, make you sleep in shitty conditions. (Even back then, pigs and horses lived better and were worth more than slaves..) You couldn't live in these conditions, you are too pampered even now. You can't see yourself in this kind of environment. Shit like that lasted LONGER than America has been country, it has many leaps and bounds over the last 30 years but it still is going on.
So, it is people like you should own up to your responsibility and instead of finger pointing. You know, by my opinion, there wasn't even an apology, and no admittance of wrong doing.... And the government STILL hasn't held on any promised it made.
And you wonder WHY people are angry..?
And it isn't about identifying a color, it's about identifying a culture along with it. ITS ALL ABOUT IDENTITY.

Me and that African standing side by side, someone says "He's African." and nods in our direction, what's the percentage I'll get picked before him?
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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