Owning one and operating one are two very different things. When you go Class III, your name goes on a very short and very monitored list that the federal government keeps. I'm sure owning one that was non-operational or even one without firing it would be alright if you passed through all the checks, redtape, taxation, and legal hassles involved in it. Ammunition and a hopper would probably be harder to obtain/maintain let alone justify to the government--especially with the USA PATRIOT Act still an active piece of legislation. Hell, just inquiring about one would probably be enough to merit some unwanted attention. No longer is it inconspicuous for a US citizen to say "I need ____________ for home defense." Just look at the manipulation of public misconceptions about "assault weapons." Trying to get around the hassle to say "Hey, this minigun will be operated by untrained, unchecked civilians, but it's cool--it's just a business venture" would be far more difficult than you might imagine.
Originally posted by clavus
To say that I was naked, when I broke in would be a lie. I put on safety glasses.