Originally posted by Johnny Rotten
There is actually an interesting history behind this essay, the most prominent feature being that Carlin had nothing to do with it, as it turns out. It was written by Bob Moorehead, a pastor of Overlake Christian Church, which makes sense in retrospect, as it is filled with societal value assessments. This is also ironic, because Mr. Moorhead has an unfortunate moral history of his own, as is detailed in the link above.
Here is Carlin's response to being pinned as the author: "One of the more embarrassing items making the internet/e-mail rounds is a sappy load of shit called "The Paradox of Our Time." The main problem I have with it is that as true as some of the expressed sentiments may be, who really gives a shit? Certainly not me."
He goes on: http://www.georgecarlin.com/georgeca...dontblame.html
Unfortunately, the truth is usually a lot less glossy .
hey good job getting the facts makes many of the post here very funny