Thread: Questionaire
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Old 02-01-2004, 09:42 AM   #20 (permalink)
Float on.... Alright
Cycler's Avatar
Location: Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains, i.e. Oklahoma
1. Age.. 29

2. Gender... male

3. Fave color... yellow or grey

4. Fave food & drink... cereal mix milk and water

5. Most important to you... do a good job

6. Least important to you... getting angry

7. Fave place to be... Gallagher Iba Arena

8. Hobby/interests... Aquariums, My House, TFP, My Dogs, Friends

9. Job... In Education, Elem. Counseling

10. Your mantra... It could be worse.

12. Animal that most resembles you... My dog Jack he's a blonde too.

13. Fave show... The various CSIs or Monster shows.

14. Fave band/artist... Linkin Park, Dave Matthews

15. Fave movie. Blues Brothers or Kevin Smith Flicks

16. Own/Rent? Own

17. Fave season or weather... Winter, Folowed bySpring/Summer

18. Deep conversation or small talk?... I'm in deep

19. Things you like to do with your friends... Food, sit around and talk, be there for them.

20. S/O or Spouce?... Negatory on this on good buddy.

21. Something you believe strongly about... That there is more to life than all of this.

22. Pet Peeve?... Other drivers.

23. Fave holiday... Tax Refund day.

24. Fave site (besides TFP) Do Not Click (Nothing Happen)'s

25. If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be?... Be good.
"I'm not even supposed to be here today."

"I assure you we're open."
Cycler is offline  

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