I got rid of all his emails. Some stuff I *would* have kept if he hadn't have thrown out all my shit, like this one time, he got me this ginger jar that was gorgeous, and matched my tea set. He really had to look hard for that, and on the bus, too;so I really want to keep that, b/c it meant a lot to me. As far as cards and stuff, I would have thrown those away, but again, he threw out all my shit.
I kept a couple of wedding pictures, t hat's about it.
In general, I guess just keep the most important stuff, and throw the rest out. AS far as printing out all the emails and keeping them to read "sometime" I wouldn't do that, seems to tempting to get drunk and rehash shit.
I haven't stayed friends with my ex's. One tried to kill me, literally. One just thinks I ruined his life, another is a violent asshole and I don't want to talk to him ever again. ONe though, is a friend, and she's pretty cool, but I wouldn't really call her an "ex", we weren't in a relationship, we just slept together twice, heh.
I think Meff would freak if I had that stuff, anyway. If I talk about him, it's cuz I get reminded about something, and that happens less and less. Usually, it's "you're so much better than him this way" heh.
"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead" Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac.
Meff r0x