Originally posted by Dragonlich
Do you truly believe that the entire country of Iraq has been fully searched yet? Or that, if the claims are true, Syria would be admitting they are indeed hiding Saddam's WMDs?
We haven't found WMDs *so far*, that's all we know. Sure, it may be getting more and more unlikely that we will find any "smoking guns", but that doesn't mean we *know* they're not there. Just sayin'.
No, we can say that we now know they couldn't have been launched in 45 minutes, which was the supposed grave threat to my country.
We also know they didn't know exactly or even approximately where they were.
It's also a reasonable assumption that they didn't get carted off into some other country since we would presumably have pretty little bird's eye views of them caravaning around the desert with missile launch systems--like we used to demonstrate the precision of our weapons systems during the last war.