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Old 01-31-2004, 08:13 PM   #141 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
BuDDaH's Avatar
Moderator Emeritus
Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
It is attitude like that and people who think just like you that won't except change and want to keep holding onto the world as you know it.

You act like Black Americans where ASKED "Well, if you had any choice, which month would you like to have ALL the Black Americans remembered?" and proceded to have the ALL lumped into one month. The government did that. WE didn't have the luxury of a choice, and the government also relized it was time to start recognizing Black Americans for their contributions to society.

And your typical "love it or leave it" cop out, like YOU rather instead of acknowledging the fact that things like "black only awards" and Black history month were caused by the lack of people NOT allowing Blacks to particpate and play in the same "yard" as them. So, WE made our own.

You can say all you want how YOU don't see any different, Black or Black American, but we all have roots to African and that all has been documented. So, can your bullshit and see what is in front of you. If you don't like it, YOU can leave..
Just because our nationality is American, doesn't mean we don't acknowledge our ethicnicity which is African.

It isn't up to YOU or PEOPLE like YOU to tell US what we are, because when we do tell you, you STILL don't listen and still try to tell us what we are and what we should do... That's the attitude people like you carry and won't let US out of the box.
Listen to your self...
See, you cannot argue with a Black American who is WELL aware of himself, his history, his family's history, and his own ethicnicity.

And anything you say cannot hold water to someone who knows "HIStory" and counter it with an argument and speak in general about Black Americans or African-Americans. You cannot, because I and just about everyone of US has almost the same story.
Even before the Holocast, we were saying "never again" and "never forget".
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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