Originally posted by numist
4) Dont use just html, html is flat, and provides no interactive content. Learn and use some javascript and php, and use it liberally.
Yes, but also remember that some people browse with java and javascript disabled. Ditto ActiveX etc, so, while I have no problems with people using it, please be aware of these users and use javascript etc for site enhancement only, NOT site navigation. Use it for site navigation and users will look at your site and leave again. This also goes for flash - please use flash either very little or not at all - I've yet to see a flash based site that actually is user friendly...
Utils for you:
1stpage, from
http://www.evrsoft.com/ - it's a great HTML authoring program that lets you write in raw HTML without adding any shite, but just helps you along the way - better than notepad!
Once you've read it, view it in a standards compliant browser, such as Opera. IE is most definately NOT standards compliant!
Once you've got it written, put it up and run
http://bobby.watchfire.com/bobby/html/en/index.jsp. Also, have a read of
Finally, if you have any thoughts about using Micro$$oft Frontpage, kill them now, unless you want to force every user who ever visits your webpage to use IE! All opera/firebird/mozilla etc users will simply go away again...