Originally posted by The Original King
Wish me luck...
One of my sons had to go through drug rehab for pot and my ex is an alcholoic. I think pot is addicting to some people, just like alcohol is for others. What I had to remember in the process is that the drug is not about me -- it is about them. I am responsible for me -- for my happiness -- for my thoughts and feelings. I control my choices, no one else does. If they were high or drunk, I chose not to be around them. I would take my daughters out for pizza and a movie, go to the library, go visit friends -- whatever, just to remove myself from them. At one point I didn't allow the son to live with us because he was out of control. Dad and he got an apartment down the road. I know it may be tight financially, but you can move out. Share a place with friends -- do what you can and need to do to take care of you!
I think you deserve a big "pat on the back" for making choices that are best for you and your future. It is very challenging to not give in and "party" with the rest of them when you feel left out. My middle son will leave his friend's homes immediately if/when they start to get high because he chooses not to do drugs. I admire anyone who can do what is best for them and not give into the preassure.
There is lots of good advice in this thread: using I statements is probably the best. I would also highly recommend counseling for yourself. A good counselor will listen and help give you resources to cope, because the bottom line is you can't "change" anyone else -- you can only take care of yourself.
You are in my thoughts!