Inverse ARP is mostly used with Virtual Circuits for high-bandwidth lines, where the serial modems use IARP/RARP to send to the world "Hey, this is my MAC address - what's my IP?" - and they get a reply from the Telco or whatever hands out IP addresses. IARP isn't really something you'll see used in a consumer situation, because - well - it's very limited in terms of what you can do with it.
Because you can't exactly multicast/broadcast to the global internet, you're pretty much limited to your subnet. So on the off chance you
can send the packet to your subnet saying "Who has the IP for MAC address AA:BB:CC
D:EE:FF?" - I'm not even sure that Windows/MacOS/Linux/BSD (by default, or at all) are capable of responding.
Caveat lector: I just woke up from being very drunk, my information may not be entirely accurate.