There is no time wasted on knowledge, and much can be gleaned from religious texts. But there does come a time when further delving becomes futile. I cannot imagine myself reading a history book daily, long after the information it contains has been incorporated into my knowledge base. The bible and similar texts are no different to me. I have studied many of the "holy" texts and gained valuable insight. They have served the purpose I required of them.
If someone decides to stall at this point, and continue no further, that is fine by me. An analogy would be dropping out of college without getting your degree. I am sure you gained much knowledge from classes, just not what was required to finish.
Life is a continuous learning experience, some will feel drawn to growth beyond others in one direction or another. If you were a chemist and I was a medical doctor, each of us has a path of skill, but none is better than the other because of this alone.
My point is, Those who focus on religious doctrine may indeed be limiting themselves as far as scientific understanding of the world they live in from a physical standpoint. But they may have insight into areas I will not , As I have no desire to go in that direction.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha