Hello ladies ..
Now, I tried to hijack the "pill" thread into a depo-provera thread, but that didn't quite work .. so I figured I would make a new one.
I know a few of you ladies are on it, and I'm wondering if you guys have any questions, concerns, etc.. or even to those wanting to try it.
I know I always have the feeling in the back of my head that I'm going to get pregnant and not know it. Realistically, its more than likely not going to happen if I get my shots on time, but WHO KNOWS? That 0.03% chance is a 0.03% of getting pregnant! And without getting periods .. you never have that wonderful thing to look forward to.
Also, I've been lucky enough to have NO adverse side effects .. but I know a lot of people do. Have any of you guys gained weight/migraines/loss of sex drive/etc? Anyone stopped taking it because of these?
Well, I don't know if this thread will take off, but please feel free to contribute! Its hard finding someone my age to talk about it with because just not that many of my friends are on it around here.