Need ram help for budget AMD overclocker...
I am putting together a very basic budget overclocker for my brother. It is gonna be a budget gaming system.
AMD XP 2500+ Barton 333 Fsb (will be OC'd to 400 mhz Fsb 3200+)
MSI K7N2 Delta L nVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400 + MCP
(this is cheaper and similar to the sweet Abit NF7S boards in the hundred dollar range and is great at budget overclocking--VCore doesn't go above 1.8, unfortunately)
Lots of fans, etc.
I just want to push the system to 3200+ by adjusting the FSB to 400mhz up from 333. I want to know what the cheapest ram is that I can get that will let me achieve these speeds. I certainly want to take advantage of dual channel ability, so I was wondering if it would work by buying budget PC 3500 and running it at 3200 to get lower CAS timings or something? What is a cheap and budget effective way to ensure that the ram I buy can push my FSB speed to 400 to ensure that I can run at 3200+ speeds?