Thread: Questionaire
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Old 01-30-2004, 10:48 PM   #15 (permalink)
1. Age - 31 years minus 18 days
2. Gender - Female
3. Fave color - Sage
4. Fave food & drink - King crab legs w/ drawn butter and cold (refrigerated) tea w/ 20 grams sugar per liter added
5. Most important to you - Helen Anne (my daughter)
6. Least important to you - the 4th most recent person to piss me off (I save my energy for the 1st 3)
7. Fave place to be - someplace warmer than here, about 80°F/28°C and a decent breeze with a chance of thundershowers in the afternoon
8. Hobby/interests - I'm a single working mother, I have no time for hobbies.
9. Job - librarian, Federal Courthouse, Oklahoma City OK
10. Your mantra - If you can't dazzle with brilliance, baffle with bullshit.
11. There is no #11.
12. Animal that most resembles you - Orangutan
13. Fave show - Dead Like Me (but The L-Word is gaining ground fast)
14. Fave band/artist - Aerosmith
15. Fave movie - Dogma
16. Own/Rent? - Own
17. Fave season or weather - Spring (tornado season)
18. Deep conversation or small talk? - And it's deep too!
19. Things you like to do with your friends - Considering I have more friends here than IRL, I guess you can say we like to type on the internet.
20. S/O or Spouse? - not at this time
21. Something you believe strongly about - Irrational beliefs of a religious nature are the greatest threat to the continuation of our species and our planet.
22. Pet Peeve? - Those who refuse to think
23. Fave holiday - New Year's Day, because all the Christmas shit will be disappearing in a few days.
24. Fave site (besides TFP) - The Register - I especially love BOFH
25. If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be? - Faith is believing in something you know ain't so. If you can't observe it or observe effects which can only be explained properly by something's existence, then it doesn't exist.
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