Originally posted by sixate
I won't deny it's my opinion with no fact, but if I was bored enough to prove myself right in my thoughts I'm sure I could find proof that they are against the Patriot Act. The reason they would be against the Patriot Act is because they are a domestic terror group, and the government could use means which they couldn't do before to put many of their members away. There's a huge difference between a few crazy guys who rape someone, and a domestic terror group. That's why I brought the Patriot Act into this.
Just check out the link, and then tell me that you think this group would approve of the Patriot Act. The name of the group that these people associate with is called the Earth Liberation Front(ELF).
Thanks for giving me a straight answer.
So many cute debate trick but you don't seem to get that they DON'T WORK in on-line forums because what you say is written and can be picked apart.
1. You don't know the mindset of the vandals or their stances on the Patriot Act, your arguments about what they would or wouldn't support are moot from lack of knowledge.
2. You are still trying to prove a link-story between the patriot act and SUV vandals, just stop, you won't find a credible link-story.
3. I get really, REALLY freaking tired of people abusing and misusing the words "terror" and "terrorist". Hamas, Timothy McVeigh, the IRA and the ever mentioned Al-quada are terrorist, kids bashing SUV are not a terrorist group and calling them such is a blatant cop-out to link them with REAL terrorist groups, you know... the ones who kill people for political reasons.
4. By your definition of terror group, anything can be a terror group. Workers picketing on strike, "a few crazy guys who rape someone" or someone who smashes a few SUVs.
5. ELF has nothing to do with these kids, red herrings are bad, leave 'em in the pond. On that note I would like to also point out that even though these kids have no ties to ELF, guilt by association is also bad, leave it at home.